25 July 2012

5 Steps to Encourage Yourself


Steps to Encourage Yourself

I am truly grateful to the individuals that have been able to display what it means to set the bar high. On the journey to excellence ,I have been forced to reevaluate where I am, how I got there, and why I must proceed. A few weeks ago, I completed listening to an audio by Jon Acuff entitled Quitter.

Jon Acuff takes you on a journey through his life as an employee that constantly changed jobs. His book outlines the pursuit of his dreams. Jon Acuff makes me proud. He is proof that regular people like myself, have dreams that count, dreams that make a difference and dreams that can come true.

It begins with a dream.

I can recall  numerous conversations that I have had with folks that have a world of potential in them, yet they have no dreams. Not even one. This saddens me so much that I have spent lots of time praying for vision. Not for my own vision, but for those that I encounter will begin to see beyond what they have experienced and realize there is so much to life.

How do you introduce the potential of a fulfilled life to those that are not living for anything? This has and will continue to be my prayer.

From time to time I hit a rough patch. We all do! Yes, Forrest Gump’s’ mama was correct in saying, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.” I totally agree to the twelfth power. With life offering so much consistent variety, I believe that you have to be prepared. I realized it is impossible to plan when you have no plans.

That is why this post is for those whom I love, those who are searching and those who don’t know that they don’t know.

I would like to share with you 5 steps to encourage yourself. Get some paper and a pen please, we have work to do!  Before you begin the steps, I suggest praying for direction. I am often asked whether or not I am religious. I don’t think that I am because religion has nothing to do with it. However; if I did not have a relationship with God, I would be lost.  You can be with anybody, but if you don’t have a relationship what do you really have?

Step one- Be honest with yourself.

This is step one to stepping up to your plan and also the gate between many people and the potential for success  the rest of their lives.  Being honest means that you may not be able to take yourself at face value, simply because you have put on a mask for so long. Being honest means looking at your situation as it is, and deciding whether or not it needs improvement.

Step two- Jot down the changes you need to make.

This is an extension of step one. I have a feeling you thought about some things but did not put any action to the thoughts. Please do so now. Thank you.

Step three-List what you need to do to make the changes successfully.

The steps you thought of in step one and jotted down in step two need action plans to be accomplished. What can you do ? What do you need to do? Who do you need to call? Start with these questions and you may find other questions that will be answered in your pursuit. 

Step four- Review your list of action plans daily.

How many of us have made a new years resolution only to wake up on January 17th, forgetting what we set out in the beginning of the year to complete? This is because some where between January 6th and January 8th, we decided to continue with our resolution tomorrow. Afterall, we had done so well for so many days. This is because we are creatures of habit. Unfortunately our habits include procrastination, which leads to a long list of unresolved resolutions.  You must commit yourself to being focused on your changes daily.

Step five- Belief in yourself.

You have to be your own representative. Everywhere you go, there you are. You will never get away from you. You have to know that you, will be able to take yourself where you want to go. This is hard but you have to believe in you.

These five steps are the beginning of a change in you. I have also included a link to Michael Hyatt’s life plan to assist on your journey.

I believe in you. I am hear if you need to talk.


18 July 2012

The Response Ability of


The Response Ability of ..........

The world of entertainment is wide and vast.  Through it the possibilities are endless. Almost every question can be answered and every desire can be satisfied.  I am yet amazed that I speak to my Android phone and it responds.

I have even heard stories about co-workers being introduced and flabbergasted at the concept of using the phonebook when ordering lunch. When the computer network is down, what is one to do? In lieu of panic, thumbing the pages of a phonebook has become to daunting of a task for us eighties babies.

When my eleven year old requested to utilize a thesaurus, I experienced a brief moment of relief. I was in awe, thinking that my offspring has not lost the gift and gene of research.

Walking the stacks used to be a badge of honor.  You search relentlessly, reaching for books on high shelves and sweating profusely in stale aisles of knowledge. Your feeling pretty good about your efforts, only to approach the copy machine, in which someone has adhered with not –so- sticky masking tape an “out of order” sign.

But we got through it and life was good. In the words of my thesaurus seeking child, “ Mom, that is why Jesus created Google.”

I greatly appreciate the minds and efforts behind innovation that allow us to have access to the corners of the earth.   I have, however developed a great and ever increasing concern for innocence. This unlimited access comes with a large price tag.

What used to be left to the imagination is accessible by the search bar. The results are based on the spectrum of your privacy and safety settings. I have been introduced to a wide range of unsolicited material, either by way of misspelling or slipped mouse clicks.  Every desire is truly being satisfied.

I have chosen the field of Professional Speaking in order to be a voice for those that choose not to be led by emotions, urges, and trends. True entertainment, is birthed in creativity.

Ask any artist; in the essence of the response you will hear that creating a masterpiece is not simple. Artist be they defined as painters, musicians, or poets never complete a piece, they stop working on it.

We are responsible to create and the creation waits.

I have listed some steps that I use a personal guide to keep me anchored in the world of anything goes.

Step 1.Don’t give into the status quo. That has already been done.

Step out and create  something. Dr Seuss sums this up for us.
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”

Step 2. Access the path that you are on .

I believe Will Smith said it best “Being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity.”
If someone has talked you into this path, get off immediately and refer to step one.

Step 3. In your journey of creativity, make your Grandmother proud

At som point she may have given you a “let’s be realistic” speech when you were trying to go to the NBA, or you wanted to grow up and be like Tiger when golf became cool in the ninety’s. But that doesn’t mean you should produce art that is embarrassing and she can’t show her church group.   Keep it rated “G” for your Granny.

Step 4. Know that you are seen. 

If you build it they will come. If you post it, it will be seen.
Your art is leaving an imprint on the world. How will the world  remember you?

What are your desires for creativity??