10 June 2012

Embrace your EX cuse

Embrace your Excuse

Our days are so full potential. How do excuses interfere with our progress?

What is your plan ?

This is the response I often give when I am in a conversation with someone who has decided that they are unsatisfied. This discontentment can be the result of many phenomena. Frequently, when someone is expressing angst, I question what can they do about it.


I know full well that there are many things in our lives we cannot control. The obvious is always fun, so lets point some things out .

We cannot control :
To whom or where we are born.
Our socio-economic status during childhood and adolescence.
Which hair type we inherit (for all of you familiar with “Good” and “Bad” hair) .
The weather.
The time of the sunrise.
Gas prices.

If you find yourself utilizing any of the above as an excuse, you have been a victim of circumstance. I urge you to rescue yourself .

If you find yourself on the couch, or under a table, you need to recite the following phrases to yourself.

I am not prey .
I will not be taken by surprise, Therefore I will be prepared for life.
I will not be held hostage by this circumstance.

If you feel as though you need to get your life in control. Please consider what Michael Hyatt has to say(see michaelhyatt.com).

Considering Circumstances

You cannot plan for circumstances though you know they are coming and that they will have an effect on life.

I am not denying the fact that some decisions beyond our control may have negative effects on our lives. For example:

You did not decide to be brought up in foster care.
You did not decide to lose your job.
You did not decide to have your identity stolen .
You did not plan on becoming ill.

Please do not misinterpret my words, I do not mean for this to come off as harsh. I am not insensitive to all of the current conditions you are facing . I understand that today you may be experiencing many undesirable situations. More importantly I understand that tomorrow is coming and you will have to face the day .

I encourage you to read the story of W. Mitchell (see WMitchell.com). After reading this article I hope that you have a different perspective on your personal circumstance.

I hope the molehills you are currently trying to overcome explode into a huge mountain of success for you.

I urge you to embrace you EXCUSE, whatever it may be and turn it into a mile marker. Then you can say you have been there and done that there is no need to go back.


02 June 2012

Speak Up Dont Burnout

Using your Voice to avoid the Heat

Voice your concerns regarding your health as it relates to your profession

 I recently had the opportunity to discuss various services for youth that have been apart of the foster care system.  This dialogue took place with individuals that have been dedicated to assisting numerous youth, transition into adulthood successfully.  Though our conversation was centered on the youth, the elephant in the room and the resonating theme in which I fixated, was the lack of personal care for those caring for these youth.

What does this really mean?

I can recall my days of bliss (synonymous with ignorance), prior to working in child welfare. I knew there were foster kids called, wards of the state. I knew there were foster homes. I knew there were “bad parents”. Yet, what I really knew was nothing.

I knew that going into someone’s home and leaving with their children was a luxury that was reserved for family and friends.
I knew that people where over worked and unpaid.
I truly knew this by watching my grandmother and grandfather work very hard and still not have enough.

(Burnout See MayoClinic.com) not to be confused with the popular video game- is however comparable to a car crash. Job burnout is an unfortunate reality that is associated with work in this field.  If an employee is burnt-out, it becomes detrimental to those who need them family, and clients alike. 

Burnout can be avoided. It begins with using your voice. 

Simply speaking up for you to yourself is key. I am indulged in the world of child well being as this is where I have learned to blow up plenty of molehills for what they are.

And what, pray tell are they, you ask?


Allow me to illustrate with a chart

Having a challenging day
Don’t take it out on your clients or your family when you get home.

If you see a problem
Counter it with a solution
If you are displaying behavior that can be described by others as being
 “Negative Nancy”
Debbie Downer “ or
“Touchy Tommy”

Change your perspective to be a
“Chipper Charlie” or a
“Happy Harry”

Long story, short chart. I don’t want you to suffer from burnout.

The world is waiting on your view from the molehill.

Please consider these (resources see sprout social.com) to help identify burnout.

Take care of yourself that you may care for others,


Creative Commons License
Speak Up Don't Burn Out by Skye Berger and MoreMolehills is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/burnout/WL00062#,http://www.hulu.com/watch/68225/saturday-night-live-debbie-downer,http://sproutsocial.com/insights/2012/04/social-media-burnout/.